For those seeking a declaration of invalidity or dissolution of a marriage, the divorce must be final to begin this process.
The first step is to complete the form below to have a case counselor assigned.
Next, meet with the case counselor.
Case counselors will conduct an interview and collect required documents from the individual seeking a declaration. They help explain the process and help identify what will be needed in the case. Once the interview is completed, the case counselor will meet with you and the regional annulment advocate to determine potential grounds for nullity and complete documentation needed to submit the case to the Diocese of Austin Tribunal.
The Diocese of Austin Tribunal has trained the clergy and laity who serve as advocates and case counselors. The laypersons are approved by the judicial vicar and have a mandate from their pastor to serve as a case counselor in their parish.
At St. Thomas Aquinas parish, we have Diocesan-trained lay case counselors: Gina Cook, Marjorie Hollas, Tina Labossiere, Erin Lynch, and Gerald Verwold.
Regional Annulment Advocates - Diana Jetter, Becky Paradowski, Deanna Menchaca, Tina Noa, Ross McDonald, Adrianna Burnett
To be assigned a case counselor, please complete the form below.
For more information regarding the annulment process, visit the Diocesan website: