Gentlemen, have you recently become aware of a desire to deepen your faith life, but you’re not sure how? Do you feel that your heart is being moved in a new or bold way lately? Have you felt a greater need to know Christ more intimately, or a growing desire to follow Him more fully? Has your awareness of the needs of the materially and spiritually poor increased recently— and have you sensed a greater desire to respond? Do you live a mature faith, love the Church, and follow Church teaching, but sense that there may be something missing—or something more? If you answered yes, the Holy Spirit may be calling you to explore the permanent diaconate. If you are between the age of 30-59, please speak with Fr. Albert about your responses and the possibility of a call to the permanent diaconate.
Speak with Fr. Albert and explore diaconal formation.
Discernment resources:
For more information, call (512) 949-2459
Email [email protected]