During flu season, increased attention to hygiene due to the prevalence of highly infectious diseases is crucial. Below are some etiquette tips for keeping yourself and others safe at Mass:
If a person has a fever, is vomiting, or has had either ailment within 24 hours of the Mass, they should not attend Mass.
Sunday Obligation: Catholics are not obliged to participate in the Mass on Sunday if they are ill. It is a matter of respect and hospitality not to gather for Mass on Sunday if one is sick.
Holy Communion Communicants: If choosing to receive on the tongue, extend your tongue sufficiently making it easy to receive communion without the minister touching your tongue. Better still, please receive in your hands if you suspect illness.
Do not receive from the chalice if you have a sore throat or other symptoms of illness.
Communion under both forms is a richer sacramental sign in response to our Lord’s instruction to “take and eat” and “take and drink.” However, the doctrine of concomitance reminds us that the real sacramental presence of Christ (body, blood, soul, and divinity) is present entirely under each species, bread or wine.