Tina Labossiere
[email protected]
March 29, 2025
June 28, 2025
October 25, 2025
Contact our Ministries Administrative Assistant or call the parish office at 979-693-6994.
Contact your home parish to obtain a Baptismal Certificate or a Profession of Faith Certificate issued from the Catholic church of your baptism or where you became a Catholic, with any sacramental notations listed on the back. (Baptized, non-Catholics must also provide proof of Baptism.) This information should be turned in to our Parish Administrative Assistant in order to schedule a meeting.
If you are not a parishioner of St. Thomas Aquinas, then we need a letter from your home parish giving us permission to complete your marriage preparation and/or your wedding ceremony here at St. Thomas Aquinas parish.
You may NOT schedule a wedding date until after you have met with the deacon.
A meeting will be scheduled with a Deacon to complete the Pre-nuptial Questionnaire.
Four Witness Affidavits of Freedom to Marry, (two for the groom, and another two for the bride) will be given to the couple to have completed, signed, and returned to the parish.
The Deacon will register the couple to take the Prepare and Enrich Inventory.
After you complete the inventory, a second meeting will be scheduled to review the results and discuss aspects of married life.
After your initial meeting with the deacon, it is imperative that the date for your wedding be arranged with the parish office. (It is not wise to book any venue or vendors in advance as the church may not be available for your desired date.) If you are in need of an annulment, this must be done prior to setting a wedding date or meeting with the Deacon.
For fees, policies, and availability concerning reserving the Church, Parish Activity Center, or Zurek Hall for your wedding, contact our Business Administrator.Together in God’s Love Weekend Retreat
Once you have chosen the selections from Scriptures and prayers from the Together for Life booklet, you will meet the Celebrant to discuss the ceremony.
Our music director will assist you with your choice of music. Contact: [email protected]
These meetings should take place at least two months before the wedding.
Wedding Ceremony Worksheet
If your ceremony is taking place at St. Thomas Aquinas, you will need to coordinate the rehearsal with the celebrant and the parish office to ensure there are not any scheduling conflicts.
A valid civil marriage license issued by any County Clerk’s office in the State of Texas. (obtain 72 hours to 30 days before the ceremony.) We ask that you bring your marriage license to the Parish Office one week before the wedding.
Main Church on Saturdays at 10 AM and 2 PM.
Special weekday/weekend wedding dates are permitted if the parish schedule allows.
The wedding party has the use of the church and areas for dressing for no more than one hour before the ceremony and thirty minutes after the conclusion of the ceremony. The ceremony must begin and end on schedule. Please designate a family member or friend to care for your items.
Rehearsals are generally the evening before the wedding. However, some may be scheduled on other days due to prior events already scheduled. Rehearsal times are 5:30 PM, 6:30 PM, or 7:30 PM. (During Lent, rehearsals are scheduled on Thursdays to accommodate Lenten services.)
Our Liturgical Wedding Coordinators conduct rehearsals, which last no longer than one hour. All members of the wedding party, including attendants, ushers, parents, lectors, etc. should attend.
The Catholic Rite of Marriage takes place within the Sacred Liturgy – the Church’s praise of God. By its nature, Sacred Liturgy is a celebration of the universal Church. The wedding liturgy reflects this aspect when a groom and bride profess their solemn vows to each other before God and His people assembled. To manifest our corporate worship and as we do at Sunday Mass, each wedding begins with a liturgical procession with the cross of Christ leading, the priest/deacon, and then followed by the wedding party. Then a gathering hymn unites our minds, hearts, and voices as we begin our worship, praising God and asking His blessings upon the church and the couple marrying.
The Rite of Marriage may be celebrated during a Mass, or a Liturgy of the Word with no Holy Communion.
Rite of Marriage during a Mass is the norm when both the groom and bride are practicing Catholics.
Rite of Marriage outside of Mass – Liturgy of the Word with no Holy Communion is the norm when a Catholic marries a baptized non-Catholic.
To prepare for the Sacred Liturgy, you receive a book, Together for Life, that outlines your choices for prayers and Scripture readings. Please select lectors who are comfortable reading in public. Practicing Catholics and/or practicing baptized, non-Catholics may read the first and second readings.
With the Rite of Marriage during Mass, you are to choose two practicing Catholics to present the gifts of bread and wine. Since we as Catholics believe these gifts will become the Body and Blood of Christ, it would be inappropriate to ask a non-Catholic to present these gifts when his or her faith tradition does not believe in the real presence of the Eucharist.