Stephen Ministers are the after people - they walk one on one with someone who has experienced a life disruptor - after the funeral, after the diagnosis, after the job loss, after the divorce, or after a tragedy. Those who are serving as Stephen Ministers are trained to provide one-to-one confidential Christian care to those individuals who may be experiencing a life crisis for up to a year following the crisis.
We have over 2200 families and two priests. This ministry is an extension of pastoral care. We currently have 31 Stephen Ministers providing spiritual and emotional support an hour each week. We would like to train an additional 12 ministers this year and two Stephen Leaders.
Learn more about what Stephen ministry is by clicking here.
Are you a good listener? Do strangers walk up and tell you their life story? God may be calling you to be a Stephen Minister.
Our next Stephen Ministry Training classes are currently happening. We will interview for the next class in Fall 2024!
If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please register below to receive an application.
Stephen Minister Training of 50 hours of lecture and practice begins each January. The training occurs on Monday evenings and usually only one Saturday a month. The parish covers the cost of training, and each Stephen Minister to commits to Priority service for two years post training. Priority service means attending twice monthly mandatory supervision and continuing education monthly on one of these two evenings regardless of whether you have a care receiver. On average a Stephen Minister gives 10-15 hours of volunteer service a month.
If hospitality is your spiritual gift, please consider signing up for meal support or to be the hospitality minister. It would be awesome to have the same hospitality minister each time and a great way for you to learn more about Stephen Ministry!
Please click here to support our trainees by providing a meal during the training.
Who are Stephen Leaders?
Stephen Leaders are the lay leaders, and church staff members who are equipped to oversee Stephen Ministry in your parish. Stephen Leaders have gifts and skills in areas such as leadership, teaching, and organizing people, along with a heart for this caring ministry.
The Bridge Leader’s Training Course (BLTC) is a live, interactive online training experience through which lay leaders, church staff, and pastors are equipped to serve as Stephen Leaders. They learn the Stephen Ministry System so they can start and lead Stephen Ministry in your congregation. These classes are offered during the day or in the evening and occur throughout the year. Stephen Leaders train the Stephen Ministers, promote Stephen ministry, identify potential care receivers and potential Stephen Ministers, complete intakes, and provide supervision and continuing education support. The parish covers the cost of training, and each Stephen Leader commits to 3 years of focused service.
Upcoming Stephen Leader training information, click here.
Eric Phillips - Leader Team Coordinator
Dorothy Pepper - Referral Coordinator
Lou Kuratko - Supervision Coordinator
Paul Busch - Communications Coordinator
Diana Jetter - Stephen Minister Recruitment/Training Coordinator
Cory Hendricks - Stephen Minister and Continuing Ed Support
Rebecca Buckley Conrad Carpenter Patricia Chalupsky Gina Cook Scott Cook Paula Day Ralph Day Erin Dvorak Amanda Eisele Bill Eisele Jan Heeren Marjorie Hollis Debra Kallinikos Curtis Keltner Katherine Keltner Kathy Kriger Michael Maerz Kathy Massey Patrick Munoz Paul O'Brien Lisa Olivieri Meredith Olson Dion Parlow Terry Quick Silvia Rueda Gabriela Tilton John Tilton Amy Tremblay Jency Varickattu Jill Verwold Mary Walker
Prayer Warrior - Dixon Allen
Past Stephen Leaders/Ministers
Zach Allgeyer Margaret Barnes Michael Bonin Ann Busch Margaret Cambone(†) Connie Carpenter (Ldr) Valerie Draughon Carmen Espitia Maureen Edwin Matti Garay Michelle Jurica (Ldr) Sean Jurica Diane Lestina Richard Lowman Karen Maerz (Ldr) Dcn. Dave Mayes Judy Nunez Michelle Pivonka Donna Prochaska Lyndsey Russell Jennifer Schiavo Karen Villarreal Joyce Wilson